Wednesday, May 28, 2008

William Blake's oeuvre/chef-d'oeuvre

The Lamb by William Blake

I would like to focus on one of the romantic theme in this poem. I would call it the “research toward spiritual truth.” No later than in the introductory passage, we can notice a serious relationship between this poem and some of the scriptures in the Bible:
“Little Lamb, who made thee?
Dost thou know who made thee?”
This poem begins with a child asking a “little lamb,” “who made thee?” I did not just mention a “person” as if it could have been an adult or a kid. You might have noticed that this question is filled with child-like amazement. That same sentiment can be felt further in the poem (line 11-12). Blake starts off with a question that could seem commonplace or even trivial but “Who made thee?” is a question that all of us have asked ourselves at some point in our life. The question, of course, has taken different forms and has been in philosophers’ writings for decades. Blake would answer that a human being could only exist because “The architect” has made him or her. In this poem, Blake leaves no doubt in his reader’s mind that somebody made everything. It is a delicate question, “who made thee?” Who is “the who?” It must be some sort of higher power. It can neither be a random event nor an impersonal individual. Blake is convinced that someone created the lamb and the child as he mentions:
“Little Lamb I'll tell thee! He is called by thy name, For he calls himself a Lamb; He is meek & he is mild, He became a little child:”
This small poem demonstrates how well Blake knew the scriptures. I find it very reassuring for Christians because it points all of them to Jesus Christ, who has given them everything. Blake shows great respect and more importantly, thankfulness to God in this poem. We can imagine he was very much into both religion and the importance of God in human’s life.
Also, I wanted to compare “The Lamb” to one of Blake’s other poems, “The Tyger.” Those poems show two opposite ends: the ultimate good and the contrasting evil facet of human existence. It could also, in a more specific way, respectively compare the naive childhood to the corrupted adult world. Blake became attached to the idea that true innocence does not exist without experience, this last one being itself transformed by the creative intensity of one’s imagination. These differences can be seen through not only the meaning of the poem, but also through word choice and imagery. The first metaphor that appears to the reader comes right from reading the title. Most people perceive a lamb as being a sweet animal above suspicion. The poem describes the lamb as having “a tender voice”(7) and being “meek and mild” (15). The lamb can not possibly hurt someone. However, the “tyger” is a fierce and cruel creature. Its “fearful symmetry” (4) makes the animal seem so striking. These two contrasting animals first set the mood for the poems. When reading these two poems more carefully, I noticed a difference in them just by their sound. In “The Lamb,” the lines flow together very smoothly and peacefully. An air of purity “floats around” this poem. However, even though both poems use couplets to create that logic of rhythm and continuity, the more frequent questions that are asked in “The Tyger” makes it seem more demanding. This leads into a more energetic word use.

William Blake's “The Chimney Sweeper,” written at the start of the French Revolution, describes the deplorable condition of life of young boys during this time period. Parents, often, sold their boys who were five or six years for the only purpose of cleaning chimneys because of their petite size. These children were, of course, exploited and lived a miserable existence that was, however, socially tolerable at the time. Blake shows the wrongness of this acceptance through poetic devices such as point of view, symbolism and a surprising irony that he seems to perfectly control. Blake expresses his poem in first person, as a young chimney sweeper. This gives his piece a more profound sincerity because he wants to make himself and the reader feel like chimney sweepers for the length of the poem. In addition, using first person creates a deeper sense of compassion in the reader. “When my mother died I was very young and my father sold me while yet my tongue could scarcely cry…” This sympathy allows the reader to realize not only how these children lived, but also how they felt and how they got their childhood “taken away” from them.
Blake also uses symbolism to convey a clear message of how immoral the situation was for these young boys. Most of this symbolism appears to be about death. That definitely adds a dark frame of mind to his oeuvre. For example, Blake writes “So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep.” Those boys were exposed to the harmful side effect of “soot.” Its inhalation made them ill and, in most cases, damaged their lungs. Starting in line 10, the poem switches around to flirt with a beam of hope. For when Blake writes “As Tom was a-sleeping, he had such a sight! That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, & Jack, Were all of them lock’d up in coffins of black, And by came an Angel who had a bright key, And he opened the coffins and set them all free;” Blake’s words show dreams and hopes for the sweepers.


Karen Davis said...


I first want to say that I really enjoyed reading your analysis of "The Lamb" and "The Tyger." As I read your introduction, I was surprised to find that English was not your first language. I was equally surprised to find that you feared the English language may create a barrier for you in this class. For what it's worth, I think you're doing a great job so far!

The way that you descibed and referenced Blake's work was very insightful and I think it really strengthen your arguement. I hadn't previously noticed the way Blake contrasted these two poems, so it was refreshing to read your take on these works. Specifically, I like the way you compared the similarity of the forms he used in the poems; this is in direct contrast to the tone and connotations of the poems because they are very different. I think the analysis that yo've given points out Blake's strength as an author as well.

TonyP said...


Thank you for your analysis of the "The Lamb" and "The Tiger" and "The Chimney Sweeper". I really liked the way you compared the two poems, "The Lamb" and "The Tiger" by giving specific quotes and page numbers from the poems. This has really strengthen your arguments. In my opinion, I think "The Lamb" represents innocence of a child, while "The Tiger" represents experience as we get older. I had also noticed the relationship between the Lamb and the scritures in the Bible and who haven't asked at some point in time, "Who made thee". However, as Christians we all know that we were created by God but we do question the meaning of life as we go through life's experiences. Blake leaves no doubt, after reading his poems, that their is a higher being who have made everything and you have pointed that out clearly in your blog.

Jonathan.Glance said...


Once again, very nice job in this post of demonstrating focus and depth in your discussion and imagination in your comments. I am glad you combine Blake's "The Lamb" and "The Tyger" in your discussion, because they complicate each other. While the answer to the question "Little lamb who made thee" is comforting and certain, the unspoken answer (whatever it is) to the question to the tiger "Did he who made the lamb make thee?" is not so comforting. Good insights on the "Chimney Sweeper" poems too. Keep up the good work!